Yearbook 2019 - page 8

Minutes of the 58th U.K. Folkboat Association A.G.M.
Technical Chairman’s Report
Major change happening fronted by British Coatings Federation. From June 2022
Biocides are being replaced by Fouling Releasers. Driven by a push for cleaner,
less polluting substances and RN’s specification for HMS Queen Elizabeth, new
types of antifoul are being developed; for example Hempel’s ‘Silic One’.
They can be applied to existing antifoul after applying an epoxy tie coat. New
coatings will be very slippery. More information can be found on Hempel’s website.
Antifoul and Folkboats come up as an agenda item later
At present boat sale information is sporadically recorded. Tony Smee and David
Gredley (DG) are devising a boat sale schedule so that members can get comparison
prices. This will require association members' cooperation in supplying accurate
information. It was the general feeling of the meeting that this is a good idea.
To advise that Lymington Sea Scouts hold a boat jumble each March. They sell your
jumble and retain a commission and return the balance. This year’s jumble was held
on 2nd March and I received £84 for some bits and pieces.
Our UK Class Regulations need to be in line with NFIA and the new WSR, so they
are in need of an overhaul. DG will form a small group to work on the rewrite. The
rewrite will be along the lines ‘NFIA Rules apply except as follows...’.
Certificates are valid until any of Appendix E to the Regs. occur.
These are: boat unavailable for inspection for a year; boat has been subject to protest
and found not to comply; boat has been altered, repaired or refitted so its weight may
have changed; corrector weights have been altered; ownership has changed. This
includes a change of mast and/or boom.
Therefore, if any of the above have occurred you must get your boat reweighed. We
have a new class weighing machine of our own now, just contact me and we can
arrange something.
Volunteers to deputise for weighing are welcome - Please contact DG directly.
Simon Flack asked about what needed to be on the boat when weighed. DG
explained that it is a fairly bare boat and referred owners to NFIA Rule 10. However,
outboard brackets may be left on as their weight can be taken into account. NFIA
Rule 13.2 has been under discussion. DG said that clarification would be sought
from Simon Osgood.
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