Yearbook 2016 - page 7

Suitable changes have been made to our UK Folkboat Regulations. As an aside, I
have been asked to consider the drafting of the current Regulations with a view to
implementing a redraft to make them easier to understand. I will conduct a review
in due course.
The changes to rules 9.21, 9.24 and 11.10 are straightforward. The change to rule
11.10 relating to aluminum anchors to match our local conditions was instigated
by Chris Baldwick. Changes to rules 8.20 and 8.60 which refer to jib furling and the
boom strut require further explanation.
Our secretary sought clari cation from the NFIA Technical Chairman on several
points namely, whether it is permitted to remove the jib by furling it when using a
spinnaker and the make and model number of the Barton boom strut which was
trialed and whether any other makes were considered. To date no response has
been received.
Jib furling - we await a response to our enquiries and in the meantime it would be
interesting to hear whether members will be tting furling devices to their boats.
Inevitably there would be more string to manage but the boat handling advantages
may make it worthwhile.
Boom strut - Tony Smee has been in contact with Barton and will advise further
on his ndings including a potential identi ed problem with the likely strain which
would be put on the rigid under boom tting as the boom twists downwind.
Our secretary has also enquired of the NFIA as to whether there is any technical
information and the time scale on the rumoured changes to the metal mast profile
and we are still awaiting a response.
Please be reminded of the changes relating to re extinguishers, ares and knives
to be found in 2.1 in Part Two of our UK Regulations when racing.
In this t out period before the start of the racing season, it is worthwhile checking
all your ttings, particularly mast ttings, to identify potential weaknesses or likely
failures. For example the small winged anges on the goose neck mast tracks and
the backstay tting at the top of the mast on Nordics have been known to fail albeit
when placed under high stress. I hope you all have a great season whether your
preference is to thrash around racing and/or to cruise.
11.10 Add to 11.10.1 ‘- a suitable aluminum anchor of not less than 4.5kg together
with chain attached to it making a total weight of not less than 12kg.’ 13.10. Include in
the existing rule - ‘Only if the total weight of the three crew members does not exceed
200 kg, the crew may consist of four persons.
Tony Smee gave the meeting a report and his opinions on the rigid boom vang
approved by NFIA at their last AGM. The trials held in Germany and Denmark were
successful, but were mainly carried out using aluminum spars. It is likely that the boom
attachment in particular may need some modification to make it stronger, if used with
the traditional wooden boom. The retail price of the Barton strut as used in the trials
is £221 ex.vat, but Folkboats UK will offer them to members for £160 ex vat, with a
donation of £10 per unit to the Association.
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