Yearbook 2016 - page 9

It was agreed that a questionnaire should be compiled and circulated to Nordic owners
who currently hold, or have very recently held a racing certificate, as this these are
the members contributed to the fund, and it will ensure that the fund is used for the
benefit of the Nordic Fleet in general. The questionnaire would include all reasonable
suggestions on which members can comment. The result would not be binding, but
would act as guidance to the National committee, on the fairest use of resources.
Election of Officers
A warm welcome was extended to the President Robin Walters. He with Chairman
Matthew Jones, Vice President David Fox, Technical Chairman David Gredley and
Secretary Tony Blachford are all prepared to stand for another term. This is an annual
appointment. There were no objections and unanimously approved.
Election of National Committee
There would normally have nominations for committee members: but because of
change of rules at the last AGM, all have one more year to serve. James Hoare who
was co-opted in 2016 still has two years to run. Current committee members are:
Stephen Mead; Chris Baldwick; Stuart Watson; Jim Tennant; James Hoare, Chris Hills
and Tony Smee
Any Other Business
Lady Melissa Ashcombe informed the members present, that although she wishes to
retain her half share in F695 Riot, her co-owner Peter Scholfield wishes to sell his. Riot
had a major refit last year, and is in good order. For owner’s contact details please
contact the Secretary.
David Fox informed the meeting that there would be some minor changes in Folkboat
Week this year, owing to the tides. A race to Christchurch Ledge is not feasible for
Tony Smee of Folkboats UK commented that a new Estonian built Folkboat had been
exhibited at the Dusseldorf boat show, and featured an electric motor mounted in the
rudder. The price is 71,000 euros including a trailer. A basic boat with sails is 45,000
euros but this does not include vat.
Chris Baldwick asked Tony Smee if Folkboats UK still produced a spare parts list. The
answer was that a list does still exist, but is no longer very comprehensive, as the
Folkboat is no longer mass produced, and consequently fittings are made to order,
rather than stockpiled, reducing availability
The meeting closed at 12:40pm
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