Page 12 - Folk Boat Year Book 2021
P. 12

Spiritus Summer Cruise 2020 Daily Dose of Dolphins Stephen Mead

     I took social distancing to another level   had to book – this is sailing isn’t it - who
     over the summer of twenty twenty and    knows where the wind will take you? “
     went west. Taking advantage of the offer
     to berth free in any other Yacht Haven,
     my plan was to leave Spiritus my classic
     wooden Folkboat in Plymouth for a
     month or two.

     Sailing mostly single handed and with
     the odd friend along for some legs, the
     passages to Plymouth where easy jumps;
     Lymington, Portland, Dartmouth,
     Plymouth where the only real testing
     time was a wind shift to the west while
     crossing Lyme Bay. After six hours of   Dropping Will in Dartmouth I sailed in a
     beating to weather it’s always good to be   charming south-westerly past Start Point
     rewarded by dolphins. They were so      and it’s rushing overfalls, waived at
     close to the healed hull that I felt they   Salcombe, and cut a course for the Mew
     would hop into the cockpit with us. It   stone marking the entrance to Plymouth
     was also good that I had my old mate    harbour. More Dolphins made their
     Major Will Anderson to share the fun as   unexpected and friendly presence. They
     Dartmouth seemed impossible to reach.   always seem to stay with you for an
     More tea and biscuits then.             allotted time which is about two minutes
                                             and then there off. Don’t bother to get
     Being short – (that’s me and the boat,) I   your camera unless you are David
     naively thought that we could just pop in   Attenborough’s cameraman because it’s
     anywhere but the previous night we had   so much better just to watch and whistle.
     spent an hour puttering off Weymouth    During the rest of the week, I did manage
     with Will on the radio using all his    to film them and in slow motion as they
     military charm trying to persuade the   came and played with the hull but
     lovely Harbour Master (Harbour          haven’t we been spoilt by wildlife
     Mistress?) to let us squeeze in for the   documentaries, having to explain that
     night but eventually we took no for an   the dark shadowy bit of the sea is a
     answer and went into the welcoming but   dolphin loses the audience a bit.
     rather bleak Portland Marina. My
     evening refrain was “Who thought you
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